Services for Businesses and Organizations
Building Culturally Responsive Communication Skills with a Lens of Intersectionality
This training is recommended as the first training for your organization. The workshop will be structured to create a brave space. Participants will gain a foundation on intersectionality and practice using language for having critical conversations with people of all identities.
Our training include:
Culture, Ethnicity, & Race
Gender Identity & Sex, Gender spectrum/Transgender
Components of Workshops
Structure to create a brave space for employees to voice concerns and growth for the organization.
Bringing people into space through foundational, culturally-relevant communication activities
Examination and Inspiration of resources such as videos and articles
Journal reflection in response to resources and in the reflection of one’s own experiences
Small group sharing
Connection to the work environment
When desired, our PD can include a plan of action and next steps as a work culture
Consultancy and Tailored Services
We consult around a variety of topics such as
Strategic planning
Hiring practices
Retention strategies
Individual and small group coaching
We offer mediation in groups and in pairs
Support individuals in organizations with hard conversations
Strategically build towards a better group dynamic