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Our Mission:
To equip participants with the tools to communicate effectively with people of all different identities, enhancing professional relationships within the organization and with clients towards the goal of maximizing morale and work quality, efficiency, and productivity.
Our Vision:
To provide quality training in which employees carefully examine and explore the impact of intersectional identity on internal and external communication.
Employees will do this by exploring their own experiences with relation to different aspects of their identity, and learning from the multifaceted identity of others both in the room as well as through outside resources bringing in multiple perspectives. Through this process they will gain experience having hard but critical conversations.
Participants will walk away with increased language and tools and a comfort around topics related to identity. This will ultimately lead to a company environment that encourages sharing, opportunity for input, and dialogue amongst employees.
Participants will be equipped to effectively navigate relationships with people of all identities. This is the type of employee that will breed success in today’s world.
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